Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Step Into Headship - End of Term 2 Break

So I chuckle to myself about the title as I write it. It is the end of term 2 break and yes, I am very nearly broken. Or at least my energy has been sapped. That kind of sapping that recalls those student years, the PGCE feeling or the NQT year... and the one after! 

A soft falling into a duvet, that swallows me whole and refuses to let me out. "No," it whispers. "Do not get up today..." the hiss of persuasion assaults the brain. And half a week slides by. And then suddenly on the Tuesday - wide awake at 5 in the morning. What has happened? Ahh but yes... Guilt prods and pulls the covers away. "Up," it says. "you have a list of holiday tasks...get on with them or else you wont relax!" and Guilt is right. Whilst Duvet offers the escape and comfort, guilt pulls on my clothes and makes me trudge
into work to get those essential task out of the way. The last look through of the SEF, the review of next year's calendar, a handful of jobs that sat on my desk over the last two weeks of term. And I wont relax again until they are done. 

That's okay. If I get it done before next week then I can enjoy most of next week. That is until Guilt starts to fight with Duvet again for the start of Term 3. And you know 'the night before feeling' Guilt always defeats Duvet - that's always a sleepless night!

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